Forcing humans to imitate dunghills?

Forcing humans to imitate dunghills?
"They the metal detector went WILD as my AK-47 set it off"!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

CSCOPE, the online public school curriculum, has degenerated a pro-Muslim controversy in Texas involving FORCED BURKAS or BURQUAS, called DRACONIAN, which is the subject of heated debate and state legislative hearings.

CSCOPE is taking HEAT for BAD controversial curriculum content that is beyond obscene, featuring multiple lessons promoting a pro-Islamic mindset or agenda.  This is tradecraft propaganda.  Unfired-still-working that propaganda-CSCOPE representatives excused burqua-wearing as “taken out of context” or that content was “old lessons that have since been taken down.” Lately, they blame the tiny unknown school district for concocting their own pro-Muslim lessons when it is CSCOPE that is in the scapegoating mode.

CSCOPE mouth-pieces and promoters have catagorically denied the existence of such lessons, "WHAT OFFENSIVE LESSONS?"  Or, when presented with eveidential documentation, have spun and excused critics’ claims as exaggerations.

In Lumberton, Texas, in February of 2013, high school girls were made to wear burqas as part of a CSCOPE study of Islam, when forced to do a skit as actresses.
This is unacceptable and HIGHLY OFFENSIVE!  We NEVER dress up young ladies in NAZI UNIFORMS so why would we dress high school girls in BURQUAS?  People have been photographed and videotaped wearing BURQUAS and whipping out AK-47s for massacres AND people have been photographed and videotaped wearing BURQUAS with detonators in their hands before they set off BOMBS hidden under their burquas! (6)

About fifteen suicide bombers in burqas armed with suicide vests, Kalashnikovs, and grenade-launchers drove to government buildings in Paktia Province and killed 12 persons.(7)

One subjected student quoted the pro-Islamic teacher as saying, “We are going to work to change your perception of Islam.” (Apparently, even if Islam kills you!)

The teacher in the burqua lesson, as witnessed by a student, also stated, “I do not necessarily agree with this, but I am supposed to teach you that we are not to call these people terrorists anymore, but freedom fighters.”

Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire...WHAT DO FREEDOM FIGHTERS FIGHT?  They never mention that part to us, do they?
__________George Carlin (5)

 Indeed, they are fighting to kill American infidels and impose Sharia Muslim Law on everybody not killed outright.  Oklahoma has seen this coming and forthrightly and forsightedly passed laws against establishing or allowing Muslim Law.
If you think bought-off judges and shyster, lying lawyers are bad, you have not seen Sharia or Muslim Law in action.  Minority Americans have seen Sharia or Muslim Law in action.  Lady, if YOU were NOT in our country, YOUR CORRECTLY PARKED CAR would NOT have been there in the way to be run over by a Muslim citizen driving drunk!  Therefore, you are to repair his car FIRST so that YOUR BEING HERE AS AN IMMIGRANT WORKER will not inconvience him any longer than it already has.  You will pay for his towing and all repairs,FIRST, then see to your own car, LAST.  If YOU DISOBEY THIS COURT, YOU GO TO JAIL!

Sensible critics argue that this should not be a teacher’s role, and are concerned that the CSCOPE curriculum appears to be pro-Islam-agenda-driven.  CAIR is a big promoter of this.

According to a student in the class, the lesson was to teach about the life of women in Islam. The burqa exercise disguised the topic with distracting fashion and totally left out the fact that in 50 something of 57 Muslim communities and countries, women who appear in public without a burqa risk a beatdown, imprisonment or outright murder by family members, vigilante groups or even the all-controlling Muslim state.  Even where an uncovered head is allowed, there are radical people who will punish with sudden violence and there is NO police presence that can protect women 24/7 from this element.  Foreign women with dark hair and eyes are often mistaken for local Muslim women "violating the Koran."  They may be "mistakenly punished or even killed" for "improper apparel".

Referring to a joint press release by Dan Patrick, State Board of Education Chairwoman Barbara Cargill and CSCOPE representatives, CSCOPE grudgingly agreed to “significant changes.” It is not clear as to when these changes will occur and whether or not the pledged cooperation is legally binding or simply temporary lip-service to please critics, before CSCOPE re-inserts offending propaganda at a later date.

If something offensive occurred during Reconstruction Governor Davis days, offending people would have hired bodyguards to protect themselves from severely offended Texans.  But these days, offenders "stomp Texan toes" and not much happens to keep them in line and reined in from provoking anger with travesties like this.

On the surface to some, burqas appear innocent, innoculous and even puritanical but swasticas like burqas remind people of radicalism, intolerance and anti-semitism.

Barack Obama said in one of his ghost-written tomes, ""To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."  We doubt Obama would have appreciated being "stuffed" into dorms and classrooms with "anybody not of his own chosing".  So why foist this on students "because you have the power" to do so whether they like it or not.

(1)   Jan. 2013



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Hopes, Dreams,Hard Work shattered by arbitrary capricious, bureaucractic fiat.  SOME cheese was "suspected of contamination" so A YEAR'S PRODUCTION was put under recall although TONS eaten with no ill effects and NO ILL EFFECTS were ever reported!  This is LOW and VILE in the humble opinion of silent millions of Americans who are UNAWARE of this!  Not just dairy farmer harassment, but other farmers are razzed by "officials" bent on shutting them DOWN!

Search For 111th Congress Sons of  "Harlottery" yields 1980 hits

freshmen congressmen on Wednesday

A group of freshmen congressmen on Wednesday said that a regulation issued under Obamacare by Health and Human Sacrifices Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has taken freedom of religion from Americans by the was aided and abetted by S.O.W.s as the 111th Congress was renamed.
Interestingly enough, the Amish whom are seen as by Democrats as backward Ludites (Holy Unibomber Anarchist/Bomber Bill Ayers Misconnection, Bats Dude!)and the Muslims who are seen as The Brotherhood, are exempted from Obamacare.

The regulation that requires health plans to offer sterilizations, contraceptives, and abortifacients free of charge became effective today, Aug. 1. It has been unanimously denounced by the Catholic bishops of the United States as “unjust and illegal mandate” that forces Catholic individuals, business owners and institutions to act against the teachings of their faith.

"We’re still home of the brave, but we’re not the land of the free anymore," said Rep. Billy Long (R.-Mo.)

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives could stop this regulation that Republican members and the Catholic Church have called an attack on religious liberty by prohibiting funding for it in the next continuing resolution to fund the government after Sept. 30. However, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), and other House Republicans have indicated  that they will fund the implementation of the regulation.

The battle for the control of the heartless, souless Republican Party has begun. For America on one side is the Tea Party, being rational Constitutionists. On the other side is Karl Rove and his establishment team, who have been posing as tacticians while quietly undermining conservatism since forcing Barry Goldwater to make a speech AGAINST CIVIL RIGHTS FOR BLACKS ON JUNETEENTH, 1964 while voting AGAINST THE CIVIL RIGHTS Act resulting in Lyndon Johnson securing OVER 450 of the electoral votes while "Republicans" for BARRY GOLDWATER garnered 54!!!!!!!!!  Not only did they promote a "give-up NO CHANCE" candidate for President of These United States but Republicans managed to " put on the RACIST ANTI-BLACK LABEL" to boot!  Did they FORCE Barry Goldwater to take the stance of APPEARING RACIST ANTI-BLACK when he had defended his black secretary from racist remarks?  Barry Goldwater was NOT a racist!

These same "Republicans" later hated and disparaged Ronald Reagan in favor of LOSING CANDIDATES before and after Reagan.

Petition to Barack Hussein Obama for a Proclamation of Apology for the Democratic Party's 150-year History of Racism

We, black American citizens of the United States and the National Black Republican Association, declare and assert:

WHEREAS, the healing of wounds begins with an apology, and the Democratic Party has never apologized for their horrific atrocities and racist practices against black Americans during the past 150 years, nor held accountable for the residual impact that those atrocities and practices are having on us today,

WHEREAS, as a result of the 1898 Wilmington Race Riot Commission Report of May 31, 2006, the North Carolina Democratic Party issued a unanimous apology on January 20, 2007 for the Democratic Party's 1898 murderous rampage against blacks,

WHEREAS, inner-city minister Rev. Wayne Perryman wrote a book, "Unfounded Loyalty: An In-depth Look Into The Love Affair Between Blacks and Democrats", and filed a lawsuit against the Democratic Party on December 10, 2004, but, after admitting their history of racism under oath in court, the Democrats refused to apologize,

WHEREAS, history shows that the Democratic Party through its racist agenda and "States' Rights" claim to own slaves, sought to protect and preserve the institution of slavery from 1792 to 1865, thus enslaving millions of African Americans, while the Republican Party was started in 1854 as the anti-slavery party, fought to free blacks from slavery and championed civil rights for blacks,

WHEREAS, the Democratic Party enacted fugitive slave laws to keep blacks from escaping from plantations; instigated the 1856 Dred Scott decision which legally classified blacks as property; passed the Missouri Compromise to spread slavery into 50% of the new Northern states; and passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act designed to spread slavery into all of the new states,

WHEREAS, the Democratic Party in the South formed the Confederacy, seceded from the Union and fought a Civil War (1861 to 1865) to expand slavery where over 600,000 citizens were killed, including many thousand blacks,

WHEREAS, starting in 1861, anti-Civil War Democrats in the North were called "copperheads" like the poisonous snake because they (a) wanted to appease the South and accept a negotiated peace that would have resulted in an independent Confederacy where blacks were kept in slavery, and (b) showed their deep opposition to the Civil War draft by taking their anger out on blacks, murdering and maiming blacks in virtually every Northern state,

WHEREAS, anti-Civil War Democrats in New York engaged in "Four Days of Terror" against the city's black population from July 13-16, 1863, and the anti-Civil War chant of the Democrats, as reported by one Pennsylvania newspaper, was: "Willing to fight for Uncle Sam", but not "for Uncle Sambo,"

WHEREAS, the anti-Civil War Democrats verbally attacked Republican President Abraham Lincoln because he wanted to free the slaves through war and grant blacks civil rights, and drafted Northern men into the army to fight and die to make his Emancipation Proclamation a reality - a Proclamation that became the source of the Juneteenth celebrations that occur in black communities today,

WHEREAS, after the Civil War, the Republican Party (a) pushed to amend the Constitution to grant blacks freedom (13th Amendment), citizenship (14th Amendment) and the right to vote (15th Amendment); (b) passed the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1875; and (c) designed Reconstruction, a ten-year period of unprecedented political power for African Americans,

WHEREAS, anti-civil rights Democrat Andrew Johnson became president when Republican President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, and after the Civil War, the Democratic Party fought to end Reconstruction and deny blacks the promised "40 acres and a mule;" fought to overturn all civil rights legislation from the 1860's to the 1960's; and passed repressive legislation including the Black Codes and Jim Crow laws,

WHEREAS, the book "A Short History of Reconstruction" by the renowned historian, Dr. Eric Foner, revealed that: (a) the Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866 by Democrats as a Tennessee social club; (b) the Ku Klux Klan became a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party, the planter class, and all those who desired the restoration of white supremacy; and (c) the Ku Klux Klan spread into other Southern states, launching a 'reign of terror' against Republican leaders, black and white,

WHEREAS, the book "A Short History of Reconstruction" by Dr. Eric Foner exposed the facts that: (a) the Hayes-Tilden Compromise of 1877 was an attempt by Republicans to get the Democrats to stop lynching Republicans, black and white, and respect the rights of blacks; and (b) contrary to legend, President Rutherford Hayes did not remove the last federal troops from the South, but merely ordered federal troops surrounding the South Carolina and Louisiana statehouses to return to their barracks,

WHEREAS, after taking control of Congress in the late 1800's, the Democratic Party passed the Repeal Act of 1894 that overturned civil rights legislation passed by the Republicans, including the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1875,

WHEREAS, the Democratic Party supported the "Plessy v. Ferguson" decision in 1896 that established the "separate but equal" segregation doctrine,

WHEREAS, historical documents show that: (a) in an effort to stop the Democrats from lynching and denying civil rights to blacks, the NAACP was founded on Republican President Abraham Lincoln's 100th birthday, February 12, 1909, by white Republicans Oswald Garrison Villard, Mary White Ovington and William English Walling; and (b) the first black general secretary of the NAACP was black Republican James Weldon Johnson who became the general secretary of the NAACP in 1920 and, in 1900, wrote the song, "Lift Every Voice," known as the "Black National Anthem" in collaboration with his brother, John Rosamond Johnson,

WHEREAS, after Democrat President Woodrow was elected in 1912 and while Congress was controlled by the Democrats, black American civil employees where pushed out of federal government jobs, and the greatest number of bills proposing racial segregation and discrimination were introduced than had ever been proposed in our nation's history,

WHEREAS, even though Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt received the vote of many black Americans due to his "New Deal," he banned black American newspapers from the military because he was convinced the newspapers were communists and rejected anti-lynching laws pushed by Republicans, as well as efforts by Republicans to establish a permanent Civil Rights Commission that did not get established until 1958 under Republican President Dwight Eisenhower,

WHEREAS, Democrat President Harry Truman not only rejected Republican efforts to enact anti-lynching laws and establish a permanent Civil Rights Commission, but also failed to enforce his 1948 Executive Order designed to desegregate the military, an order that was not effectively enforced until Republican President Dwight Eisenhower was elected,

WHEREAS, with the party slogan: "Segregation Forever!," the Dixiecrats, who were Democrats, (a) formed the States' Rights Democratic Party for the presidential election of 1948; (b) remained Democrats for all local elections and all subsequent national elections; and (c) did not all migrate to the Republican Party as Democrats today falsely claim, but instead those racist Democrats died Democrats and had declared that they would rather vote for a "yellow dog" than a Republican because the Republican Party was known as the party for blacks,

WHEREAS, during the civil rights era of the 1960's, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who was a Republican, was fighting the Democrats including: (a) Democrat Georgia Governor Lester Maddox who famously brandished ax handles to prevent blacks from patronizing his restaurant; (b) Democrat Public Safety Commissioner Eugene "Bull" Connor in Birmingham who let loose vicious dogs and turned fire hoses on black civil rights demonstrators; and (c) Democrat Alabama Governor George Wallace who stood in front of the Alabama schoolhouse in 1963 and thundered: "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever,"

WHEREAS, the Democratic Party supported the Topeka, Kansas school board in the "Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka", Kansas (a 1954 Supreme Court decision by Chief Justice Earl Warren who was appointed by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower) which declared that the "separate but equal" doctrine violated the 14th Amendment and ended school segregation,

WHEREAS, in 1954, Democrat Arkansas Governor Orville Faubus tried to prevent the desegregation of a Little Rock public school, resulting in Republican President Dwight Eisenhower sending federal troops to prevent violence and enforce a court order desegregating the Little Rock school,

WHEREAS, Democratic President John F. Kennedy was not a civil rights advocate because he: (a) voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Law (that was pushed by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower); (b) opposed the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (that was organized by black Republican A. Phillip Randolph); (c) authorized the FBI (supervised by his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy) to wiretap and investigate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on suspicion of being a communist in order to undermine that Civil Rights leader; (d) was later criticized by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for ignoring civil rights issues; and (e) only grudgingly agreed to make a telephone call to get Dr. King, Jr. out of the Birmingham jail after members of the King family requested Kennedy's help,

WHEREAS, after the nearly 100 years of opposition to civil rights laws by Democrats, Republican Senator Barry Goldwater, who voted for the 1957 Civil Rights Act and ran for president against Lyndon Johnson in 1964, was unfairly criticized by hypocritical Democrats because Goldwater was opposed to only portions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that he believed was an unconstitutional expansion of federal powers,

WHEREAS, Democrat President Lyndon Johnson could not have achieved passage of civil rights legislation without the support of Republicans due to the strong opposition of Democrats, and in his 4,500-word State of the Union Address delivered on January 4, 1965, Johnson mentioned scores of topics for federal action, but only thirty five words were devoted to civil rights and not one word about voting rights,

WHEREAS, it was Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois, not Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, who was key to the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and Dirksen was also instrumental to the enactment of civil rights legislation in 1957 and 1960, as well as the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Civil Rights Act of 1968 which prohibited discrimination in housing,

WHEREAS, the chief opponents of the 1964 Civil Rights Act were Democrat Senators Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, Sr. and Robert Byrd of West Virginia, a former "Keagle" in the Ku Klux Klan, who made a 14-hour filibuster speech in the Senate in June 1964 in an unsuccessful effort to block passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act,

WHEREAS, because Republican Senator Everett successfully fought to pass civil rights laws in the face of strong opposition to civil rights laws by the Democrats, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. hailed Senator Dirksen's "able and courageous leadership;" and "The Chicago Defender," the largest black-owned daily at that time, praised Senator Dirksen "for the grand manner of his generalship behind the passage of the best civil rights measures that have ever been enacted into law since Reconstruction,"

WHEREAS, the statement by Democrat President Lyndon Johnson about losing the South after passage of the 1964 civil rights law was not made out of a concern that racist Democrats would suddenly join the Republican Party that was fighting for the civil rights of blacks, but instead, was an expression of fear that the racist Democrats would again form a third party, such as the short-lived States' Rights Democratic Party,

WHEREAS, after Democrat President Lyndon Johnson expressed his concern that the racist Democrats in the South would be lost  after the passage of the 1964 civil rights laws, Johnson's concern came true when Alabama's Democrat Governor George C. Wallace in 1968 started the American Independent Party that attracted other racist candidates, including Democrat Atlanta Mayor Lester Maddox,

WHEREAS, in March of 1968, while referring to the fact that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. left Memphis, Tennessee after riots broke out where a teenager was killed, Democrat Senator Robert Byrd called Dr. King a "trouble-maker" who starts trouble, but runs like a coward after trouble is ignited, which motivated Dr. King to return to Memphis a few weeks later where he was assassinated on April 4, 1968,

WHEREAS, Democrats expressed little, if any, concern when the racially segregated South voted solidly for Democrats; yet unfairly deride Republicans because of the thirty-year odyssey of the South switching to the Republican Party that began in the 1970's with President Richard Nixon's "Southern Strategy," which was an effort on the part of Nixon to get fair-minded people in the South to stop voting for Democrats who did not share their values, and who were discriminating against blacks,

WHEREAS, Republican President Richard Nixon began enforcement of Affirmative Action as a merit-based system to help African Americans prosper with his 1969 Philadelphia Plan (crafted by black Republican Art Fletcher) that set the nation's first goals and timetables, as well as his 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act that made merit-based Affirmative Action programs the law of our nation, but Democrats turned Affirmative Action into an unfair quota system;

WHEREAS, Democrat Senator Robert Byrd who was a fierce opponent of desegregating the military complained in one letter: "I would rather die a thousand times and see old glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen of the wilds,"

WHEREAS, in the early 1970's, Democrat Senator Robert Byrd pushed to have the Senate's main office building named after a former "Dixiecrat," Democrat Senator Richard Russell who was Senator Byrd's mentor and leading opponent of ant-lynching legislation, and in 2001 Senator Byrd was forced to apologize for using the "N-word" on television,

WHEREAS, Democrats did not denounce Democrat Senator Christopher Dodd who praised Senator Robert Byrd as someone who would have been "a great senator for any moment," including the Civil War; yet Democrats denounced Senator Trent Lott for his remarks about Senator Strom Thurmond who was never in the Ku Klux Klan and, after he became a Republican, defended blacks against lynching and the discriminatory poll taxes imposed on blacks by Democrats,

WHEREAS, Democrats today demean and discriminate against blacks including (a) Democrat Senator Ted Kennedy who called black judicial nominees "Neanderthals;" (b) Democrat Senator Harry Reid who slurred Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as someone who could not write good English; (c) Joe Biden while he was a Senator who boasted that his home state of Delaware was a slave state; (d) Democratic Party operatives who depicted Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele on the Internet as a "Simple Sambo;" (e) cartoonist Jeff Danziger and Pat Oliphant who portrayed Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice as a "stooge" and a bare foot, "Ignorant Mammy;" (f) Democratic Senator John F. Kerry who denounced affirmative action on the floor of the Senate in the 1990's; (g) President Bill Clinton who - following in the footsteps of his mentor J. William Fulbright, a staunch segregationist -  refused to enforce a court-ordered affirmative action plan while president and was himself sued for discriminating against his black employees while he was the Governor of Arkansas; and (h) Barack Hussein Obama while he was an Illinois State senator who provided funding for slum projects in Chicago that kept blacks trapped in rat and roach infested housing, as well as while he was a US senator voted against the minimum wage bill and wrote a letter of support for former Klansman Robert Byrd that helped that racist win re-election,

WHEREAS, the Democratic Party's use of deception and fear to intimidate black Americans into voting for Democrats is consistent with the Democratic Party's heritage of racism that included sanctioning of slavery and kukluxery -  a perversion of moral sentiment among leaders of the Democratic Party; and the Democratic Party's racist legacy bode ill until this generation of black Americans,

NOW, THEREFORE, for the documented atrocities and accumulated wrongs inflicted upon black Americans, we submit this petition to the head of the Democratic Party, Barack Hussein Obama, for a formal proclamation of apology for the Democratic Party's 150-year history of racism.

"I broke away from the Communist Party" / Whittaker Chambers (1948) -- "Today we are educated men" / William F. Buckley Jr. (1950) -- "The time has come" / Everett Dirksen (1964) -- "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice" / Barry Goldwater (1964) -- "A time for choosing" / Ronald Reagan (1964) -- "Is the new morality destroying America?" / Clare Boothe Luce (1978) -- "The first inaugural" / Ronald Reagan (1981) -- "Evil empire" / Ronald Reagan (1983) -- "Child abuse in the classroom" / Phyllis Schlafly (1987) -- "The controversy ends here" / Barbara Bush (1990) -- "The contract with America" / Newt Gingrich (1995) -- "Our mission and our moment" / George W. Bush (2001) -- "A unipolar world" / Charles Krauthammer (2004).

An FBI account of a 1961 trip to South America by the late Edward M. Kennedy alleges that he rented a brothel in Chile and dined with an economist in Colombia who was being investigated as a possible Soviet spy.

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, a self-described conservative group that seeks greater government transparency, says the FBI documents put the light of truth on Kennedy’s world view.

“It strikes me as worthy of historical note that on a trip designed to give him foreign policy bona fides as he is about to be installed in the Senate,’’ Tom Fitton stated, “he spends a lot of his time seeking to meet with communists and the hard left.’’(4)

It appears that Kennedy rented the ENTIRE BROTHEL for a party with his communist friends and leftists.
From the National Black Republican Association Newsletter by Dr. Alveda C. King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in “A Covenant with Life: Reclaiming MLK’s Legacy”: Dr. King states, “My grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, or ‘Daddy King,’ was a Republican and father of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who was also a Republican. It should be no surprise that Dr. King was a Republican. Why? It was the Democrats who Dr. King was fighting and he would not have joined the Democrat Party.

Some other facts I wager you were not aware of:

emocrats fought to prevent the passage of every piece of civil rights legislation from the 1860s to the 1960s. In 1894, Democrats passed the Repeal Act that overturned civil rights legislation passed by the Republicans, including the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1875. It took Republicans nearly six decades to finally achieve passage of civil rights legislation in the 1950s and 1960s.

Democrats declared they would rather vote for a “yellow dog” than vote for a Republican because the Republican Party was known as the party for blacks.

Republicans started the NAACP in 1909 on Abraham Lincoln’s 100th birthday to counter the racist practices of Democrats. The first black American to head the NAACP was Republican James Weldon Johnson who wrote the lyrics to “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” the inspirational song considered to be the Black National Anthem.

Few Blacks know that Republicans also started the historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs).

Republican President Dwight Eisenhower pushed to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Eisenhower also appointed Chief Justice Earl Warren to the U.S. Supreme Court, which resulted in the famous 1954 Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education decision.
n 1958, Eisenhower established a permanent Civil Rights Commission that had been rejected by prior Democrat presidents including President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Ignored today is the fact that it was Roosevelt who started blacks on the path to dependency on government handouts during the Great Depression with the promise of a “chicken in every pot” by Roosevelt with his New Deal that turned out to be a bad deal for blacks

Democrat President John F. Kennedy is lauded as a proponent of civil rights. However, Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act while a senator. After he became president, Kennedy opposed the 1963 march on Washington by Dr. King that was organized by A. Phillip Randolph, a black Republican. President Kennedy, through his brother Attorney General Robert Kennedy, had Dr. King wiretapped and investigated by the FBI on suspicion of being a Communist in order to undermine Dr. King.

Democrat senator, the late Ted Kennedy, called black judicial nominees “Neanderthals.” Democrat Sen. Harry Reid slurred Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as an incompetent Negro who could not write good English. “Slap at Thomas stinks of racism,” was the headline of the New York Daily News Dec. 7, 2004 editorial.

So much for the Democrats being the party that works for civil rights.

From the National Black Republican Association Newsletter by Dr. Alveda C. King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in “A Covenant with Life: Reclaiming MLK’s Legacy”: Dr. King states, “My grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, or ‘Daddy King,’ was a Republican and father of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who was also a Republican. It should be no surprise that Dr. King was a Republican. Why? It was the Democrats who Dr. King was fighting and he would not have joined the Democrat Party.

Some other facts I wager you were not aware of:

Democrats fought to prevent the passage of every piece of civil rights legislation from the 1860s to the 1960s. In 1894, Democrats passed the Repeal Act that overturned civil rights legislation passed by the Republicans, including the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1875. It took Republicans nearly six decades to finally achieve passage of civil rights legislation in the 1950s and 1960s.

Democrats declared they would rather vote for a “yellow dog” than vote for a Republican because the Republican Party was known as the party for blacks.

Republicans started the NAACP in 1909 on Abraham Lincoln’s 100th birthday to counter the racist practices of Democrats. The first black American to head the NAACP was Republican James Weldon Johnson who wrote the lyrics to “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” the inspirational song considered to be the Black National Anthem.

Few Blacks know that Republicans also started the historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs).

Republican President Dwight Eisenhower pushed to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Eisenhower also appointed Chief Justice Earl Warren to the U.S. Supreme Court, which resulted in the famous 1954 Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education decision.
In 1958, Eisenhower established a permanent Civil Rights Commission that had been rejected by prior Democrat presidents including President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Ignored today is the fact that it was Roosevelt who started blacks on the path to dependency on government handouts during the Great Depression with the promise of a “chicken in every pot” by Roosevelt with his New Deal that turned out to be a bad deal for blacks

Democrat President John F. Kennedy is lauded as a proponent of civil rights. However, Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act while he was a senator. After he became president, Kennedy OPPOSED the 1963 march on Washington by Dr. King that was organized by A. Phillip Randolph, a black Republican. President Kennedy, through his brother Attorney General Robert Kennedy, had Dr. King wiretapped and investigated by the FBI on suspicion of being a Communist in order to undermine Dr. King.(2)

Democrat senator, the late Ted Kennedy, called black judicial nominees “Neanderthals.” Democrat Sen. Harry Reid slurred Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as an incompetent Negro who could not write good English. “Slap at Thomas stinks of racism,” was the headline of the New York Daily News Dec. 7, 2004 editorial.

So much for the Democrats being the party that works for civil rights.

From Washington,D.C. via CNN-- Senate Majority Leader professional Democrat racist Harry Reid apologized on or before Sunday, January 10,2010, following reports he had privately described then-candidate Barack Obama during the presidential campaign as a black candidate who could be successful thanks in part to his “light-skinned” appearance and speaking patterns “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”(4)

Journalists Mark Halperin and John Heilemann reported the damning racial remarks in their New York Times best selling book “Game Change,” which was then bought by CNN at a Washington-area bookstore.
Apparently the people of Nevada share his opinions or they would not vote Harry Reid back to his kingly, over-paid, non-sequestered job year after year after year after year and decade after decade after decade.  Harry Reid is SOOOO crooked that he has to screw his socks on in the morning~! (8)

Indeed, "Dingy" Harry Reid has been called a Nevada job killer, liar and crook, and cyber-dirty-trickster ----- AND THOSE ARE HIS GOOD TRAITS.  (9) He has grown increasingly low life with every year he has been a Democrat.  He was a lowly he is a full-fledged SCUMBAG, supporting Obamacare, fighting against vouchers to keep minorities "in their place" in bad schools, he loves bigger government,








